Why a question can be blocked
This question will be blocked if:
- a similar question already exists on the service;
it contains a deliberately contradictory or obviously false assumption that makes it difficult to get answers;
- the question openly or implicitly defames people, products or campaigns;
- it is not written in English;
- it is provocative or flamboyant:
- it violates Terms of Service.
Duplicate questions are prohibited
Questions with the same meaning will be closed by the moderators in favor of the older question (regardless of the specific wording). Please use the search to find similar existing questions. Add missing details to existing questions, to reopen the discussion if you are not satisfied with the answers.
If you find a question about your problem be sure to vote for it. If there are no answers yet, you will show the author the importance of his work. If there are no answers yet, your vote will bring more attention to the question.
Editing instead of blocking
When the question will just be edited by members of the community:
- If it contains spelling, punctuation errors, typos, extra spaces, or other unnecessary characters.
- If the question is poorly formatted, such as not broken into paragraphs.
- If the question is formulated incomprehensibly or difficult to understand, for example, a lot of explanations in brackets.
- If it is formulated as a statement.
- If there are no tags or not all of them are specified.