Brook Williamson
- Member for 3 years.
- 36reputation
- top 18% overall
- 26kpeople reached
- 5answers
- 2questions
- 1votes cast
- 401average post length
Top answers
- 2What is the cause of the loud crackling noise in the evening in the house?2022‑05‑01
- 0Why is there mold on the facade and how to get rid of it?2022‑07‑07
- 0Does it make sense to install a bathtub under the skylight?2022‑08‑27
- 0Minimum width for a 2-paned window/patio door?2022‑08‑30
- 0How to reinforce the doors of the garden house, so they do not slam from the strong wind?2022‑09‑25