How it works
Construction forums are verbose, builder directories are cluttered.
Our community is built on professionalism, and the service is designed to accumulate construction experience in a manageable form.
People ask questions, members answer, and the best answers rise to the top when approved by the professionals.
Anyone can add or edit information on important topics, just like in Wikipedia.
Mission of Service
To gather and preserve the practical experience of builders so that personal discoveries and knowledge become a common good.
To provide and maintain a convenient, concise environment for accumulating and updating up-to-date practical knowledge about private construction.
Values of Service
- Give a platform and audience to the best practitioners, not the best marketers.
- Combat information noise and false information.
- Encourage information to be updated over time.
- Provide a safe, welcoming environment to spread knowledge.
- Stimulate critical thinking and discussion about building problems and to find better solutions.
- Build a cost-effective system to ensure its long-term development and growth.
- Promote best practices that lead to societal progress and quality of life.
Ask questions and get answers
There are two ways to get an answer: ask a question yourself, or find an existing question and subscribe to it. In both cases, you'll receive notifications when new answers are posted.
Members of the community will mark good answers, and those will move up in the answer list. The author of the question can mark the answer as the best solution: this will mean that the answer is personally useful for them.
You can clarify a question or an answer in the comments. If a lot of additional information appears in the correspondence, it is considered good practice to edit your question or answer and supplement it with this information.
Keep track of topics you're interested in
Questions are tagged with tags, indicating the subject area the question pertains to. You can subscribe to any tag and be notified when questions on it appear.
Your contribution matters
Whenever someone votes for your question or someone likes your answer, you earn extra reputation.
Your reputation is also earned for the individual tags associated with the question you're asking or answering.
You can see the member's contribution for each tag in their profile. On each tag page, you can see the members who have contributed the most to that tag.