How to treat sand-lime bricks against fungus?
The exterior wall of a 40-year-old unheated garage is made of 38 cm masonry (inside – clay bricks, outside on the street – silicate, except for the top 2 rows of eaves). Roofing flat – roofing felt on reinforced concrete slab, without organized drainage. As a result, the brick under the eaves is damaged (photo of last year is attached, now it is much worse). The following treatment is planned:
1. Make organized guttering.
2. Remove the damaged layer of masonry.
Treat the masonry with something antifungal, then hydrophobic. This may be in one bottle.
4. In the wall, after drilling, hammer bushings for screws, on which to fix the extraction-cutting mesh under the plaster.
5. Plastering KNAUF Unterputz UP-210.
What do you think, based on your experience?
Ceresit CT 99 is a good antifungal agent.
Plaster CT 24 with adhesive additive CC 81.
In one bottle you can look at Alpa Polyfluid, for example. It protects against moisture, mold and mildew. For waterproofing of facades Polyfluid is recommended by injection: under high pressure waterproofing composition is injected into the material for 2/3 of the wall. On contact with water Polyfluid crystallizes and forms an impermeable barrier, impervious to rising water. Thus a waterproofing belt is formed along the entire wall. The effect is achieved after 4 hours and lasts for up to 8-10 years.
You can also consider a cheaper option, such as a hydrostop. Impregnation forms a hydrophobic coating, reliably blocks the penetration of moisture through the pores and capillaries, penetrates deep into the surface structure of the stone (up to 5 mm).Intensifies the hydrophobic properties of concrete and cement building mixtures