What measures to take to avoid condensation on the wall?
I have a problem with dampness on the exterior wall after the reconstruction of an old building – the wall is actually partially damp in the corner on the inside (i.e. a wipeable dampness forms in this corner depending on environmental conditions). I took some measurements (i.e. room temperature and humidity vs. the degree of dampness of the wall) according to my capabilities and assume the following:
— The wall is poorly insulated and the humidity is caused by condensation.
The problem did not exist in the summer, I noticed it for the first time about 1 month ago, the wall is also very cold. Of course, the best thing would be to bring in a professional and insulate the wall, but I can't afford that right now. Would it make sense to do the following:
— Install a dehumidifier in the affected area.
— Point an infrared lamp at that particular area and then try how often and how long to irradiate it.
The goal is to survive the winter, and next year we can look again. Does anyone here have any experience in this direction?
This is quite common in older buildings. Especially if the windows have been upgraded (and therefore more tight). Is the wall insulated at all?
Humid and warm air just condenses on cold surfaces. The outlined plan of action is great, to the point where you can figure out the cause. Heat the room and ventilate it frequently.