Commander Yellow
- North Dakota
- Member for 3 years.
- 187reputation
- top 3% overall
- 68,9kpeople reached
- 16answers
- 5questions
- 7votes cast
- 315average post length
Top answers
- 3Can I install solid wood parquet on our underfloor heating?2022‑04‑26
- 2A carport or a garage, what makes more sense?2022‑05‑13
- 2Is the heating pipe bent too much?2022‑05‑09
- 2Is it better to install tile or laminate over underfloor heating system?2022‑05‑22
- 1What to do about the darkened oak steps in the new house?2022‑06‑21
Top questions
- 2How to restore the furniture fronts in a gazebo?2022‑05‑14
- 0How to prevent onduline roof fading?2022‑07‑13
- 0Why is there dampness on a wall covered with drywall? How to fix it?2022‑07‑15
- 0Can fiberglass wallpaper be used on the front of the house?2022‑08‑04
- 0Why does it smell like sewage from the shower?2022‑07‑05