Kautsar Sabbagh
- St Catharines
- Member for 3 years.
- 125reputation
- top 6% overall
- 79,8kpeople reached
- 17answers
- 8questions
- 10votes cast
- 363average post length
Top answers
- 3Is it necessary to do horizontal waterproofing of the floors in the garage?2022‑06‑19
- 1A solid cellular concrete roof as a hipped roof for an urban villa?2022‑08‑10
- 1Parapet height window, balcony & railing – What to consider?2022‑07‑12
- 1Do I need a leveling coat of exterior plastering and is it an alternative to a final coat?2022‑06‑04
- 1What is the cause of the loud crackling noise in the evening in the house?2022‑05‑03
Top questions
- 2What tile adhesives and stones to use in wet areas?2022‑05‑18
- 1Is it a concrete canopy? Or is it wood/aluminum?2022‑05‑14
- 1What to seal the screed measurement site with? And is it necessary?2022‑05‑02
- 0Does the vent need to be plastered in a cold roof?2022‑10‑16
- 0What should be the pitch of purlins for facade panels docke berg?2022‑08‑28