What should be the size of the windows to make them look modern?Related questionsModern skylights, what can they do?How soundproof are the modern windows?How do you clean windows after construction without leaving scratches on them?How do you make rosettes on the siding outside to make it look pretty?Pros and cons of floor-to-ceiling corner windowsHow should the height of the rooms relate to the height of the windows and interior doors?What are the size standards for windows and interior doors?What is the optimal size interior door? 90 or 100 cm/ 211 cm?Is this what a chandelier mount on a stretch ceiling should look like?How to place windows to make the facade look more attractive?What is the optimal size for a silicate brick garage and what costs should I be prepared for?What is the function of the beams in the roof? Can I remove all or some of them?What should the waterproofing of the patio exit/doors in double masonry look like?What should be the size of the BaWü emergency exit?Is it possible to combine aluminum and plastic windows in one house?Is it true that wood-aluminum windows in new buildings often crack?What kind of protection to use for floor to ceiling windows?Is it possible to glue up the tiles without removing them?Is it a good design to make the floor the same in all the rooms?Do gabled windows in the attic make sense?